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HCM City strives to end production,
import of single-use plastics
Now is the time for sustainable Vietnamese certified natural rubber: experts
HCM City is striving to stop the production and import of single-use plastic products, non-biodegradable plastic bags and microplastic items, more Great market opportunities will open for Việt Nam if sustainable natural rubber production receives adequate Government supports,
Pharmaceutical industry less
affected in pandemic
Global manufacturers gradually
focus on Vietnam
While most manufacturing and trading industries faced difficulties, the pharmaceutical industry has been less affected, more Many manufacturers in the global supply chain of major firms are gradually focusing on Việt Nam,
Plastic toy industry holds
export potential - needs policy
Export earnings surpass $52b in FY22
Ten years ago, the toy industry was 90% import-dependent, which came down to only 10% at present, more The country's merchandise export earnings maintained hefty growth in the just-concluded fiscal year (FY22), more
Printing businesses demand cut
in raw material import duty
Tariff maximum of 5% demanded on imports of printing and packaging raw materials
Paper importers and business leaders today urged the government to cut import duty for the sector by 20 percentage points to 5 per cent, more Suddenly imposing a high tariff will almost double the price of all paper-based products including books, notebooks, and packaging, more
Cambodia’s rubber export up 3 pct
in first 5 months of 2022
Cambodia’s industry is expected to
grow by 9.2 percent in 2023
Cambodia exported 105,048 tons of dry rubber in the first five months of 2022, up 3 percent compared to last year, more The Cambodian industry is expected to grow by 9.2 per cent in 2023 with support from improved external demand, more
Manufacturing sector only source of
FDI in past two months
Myanmar’s foreign trade soars to
$5.5 bln over past two months
Foreign direct investments were pumped into the manufacturing sector only in the past two months of 2022-2023 FY, more Myanmar’s external trade between 1 April and 3 June of the 2022-2023 Financial Year tremendously rose to US$5.5 billion, more
Yorkers Plastics, Printing and Packaging Series Exhibitions

Yorkers Trade & Marketing
Service Co., Ltd.
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