Swept Photonics Analyzer
Model: SPA-100
Category: Laser Source
Booth No: P923
The SPA-100 is a convenient optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) add-on module to a Santec tunable laser. When paired together, the complete system can analyze the most compact and complex optical components yielding results for reflectance, transmission, propagation loss and distance to events.
The complete system employs OFDR (Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry) technology enabling it to analyze the back reflection and transmission characteristics of fiber optic devices/components in the spatial domain. The system produces a trace like an OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer), but with much higher resolution and precision. The system has a sampling resolution of 5 um allowing it to discern structures within PIC (photonic integrated circuits) and silicon photonic (SiPh) devices with ease.
With the wide selection of tunable lasers, the OFDR system is highly configurable to function over the spectrum of importance to the device being measured. The system is offered in an O-band configuration (1260 to 1350nm range) as well as a CL band configuration (1480 to 1640nm range). No need to be limited to a small wavelength range.
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