Category: Healthcare–Health Food
Booth No: J216
Glac Biotech has conducted research on the relationship between gut microbiota and allergies, establishing a functional platform for immune and allergy modulation and developing functional ingredients. The research covers conditions such as allergic rhinitis, immune enhancement, and childhood skin allergies. Empirical studies include symptoms like atopic dermatitis, eczema, and wheezing. This research focuses on the dynamic imbalance of Th1/Th2 immune cells caused by allergies, aiming to induce Th1 or Treg activation to regulate and balance Th2 activity.
Glac Biotech has established itself in the field of probiotics, leveraging decades of scientific research and big data platform analysis to continuously optimize probiotic manufacturing processes. By integrating modern gene chip technology, they developed the globally unique PRONEX® probiotic manufacturing technology. With world-leading probiotic production capabilities, they utilize professional expertise to extend product value and establish PRIMETEK® probiotic ODM technology.
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